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Peter Welch

  • Endorsed
  • Senate, vermont

Peter Welch, a J Street champion formerly serving in the House, won his Vermont Senate seat following the retirement of fellow J Street endorsee, Patrick Leahy, in 2022.

Senator Welch has a proud history of backing diplomacy-first foreign policy, opposing the war in Iraq, and advocating for a diplomatic solution to block Iran from a nuclear weapon while avoiding yet another potentially catastrophic conflict in the Middle East. In 2015, Welch said supporting the President Obama's Iran deal, which verifiably blocked Iran's path to nuclear weapons, was “one of the most important” votes of his career.

Welch was an original co-sponsor of the Two-State Solution Act, has consistently spoken out against settlement expansion and annexation, and was a leader of the pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy movement in his time in the House.

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